Accent Energy

Accent Energy

About Accent Energy

IGS Energy, a retail energy company, offers Accent Energy services in Texas. Accent Energy, founded in 2002, originally provided electricity, natural gas, and green energy options in New York, but expanded to Texas after acquiring Dynowatt in 2011. However, later in that same year, IGS Energy purchased Accent Energy. Additionally, IGS Energy serves natural gas and electric customers in multiple states.

Contact Details


Address: 6100 Emerald Parkway Dublin, OH 43016

Accent Energy

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Table of Contents

Accent Energy - You have the Power To Choose Your Energy Company

Electricity choice in Texas allows customers to select their own electricity provider, rather than being limited to a single, monotonous option. This competition among providers leads to lower prices and more options for customers, similar to having a variety of flavors to choose from at an ice cream shop. In 2002, Texas deregulated its electricity market, giving customers the power to control their energy usage and costs.

With over 100 energy plans available, finding the best option can be overwhelming.

SlashPlan simplifies the process by providing live rates from energy companies and comparing them in a single dashboard, making it easy for customers to find the cheapest plan in a matter of seconds. Additionally, SlashPlan calculates the final price for each plan, including all hidden fees, providing customers with an apples-to-apples comparison and the confidence that they are getting the best deal.

Accent Energy Residential Electricity Plans

Former customers of Accent Energy’s electricity and natural gas services can now obtain their energy supply from IGS Energy. The company offers a variety of options, including electric and natural gas plans, as well as green energy plans for those who wish to reduce their environmental impact.
Similar to Accent Energy’s rates, IGS Energy’s supply plans come with the choice of fixed or variable rates and various term lengths. A fixed rate remains unchanged throughout the contract term, while variable-rate plans can fluctuate based on changes in the energy market, such as seasonal changes or weather events.
Customers who desire to support sustainable energy projects can opt for IGS Energy’s go green™ plan, which offsets part or all of their energy consumption with green energy purchases.

Accent Energy Business Energy Plans

Accent energy is no longer offering plans in Texas since it was acquired by IGS Energy.

Looking to establish or switch plans for your business? We can help!

Shopping for a business plan is time-consuming and tedious. SlashPlan can provide you with live rates so you can compare plans quickly and accurately.

At no cost or obligation to you, we will find the top plans from 30+ competing suppliers in your area.

If you choose to sign up, the entire process can be completed online with e-signatures, so you don’t have to waste your precious time and resources.

Go to our Business Energy Comparison page to learn more.

Energy Companies in Texas

Are you searching for the perfect electricity provider in Texas? Look no further!

Our list of top-notch electricity companies makes it easy for you to enroll for service. Simply choose your preferred provider from our list, view their rates, and sign up in a snap!

Discover the best electricity provider for you today:

Energy Company

Phone Number

(833) 785-7797

1 (800) 871-8100

(866) 926-8192

(855) 784-2426

1 (833) 439-2852

(888) 853-5747

(877) 547-7275

(877) 544-4857

(866) 961-9399

(866) 963-9353

(888) 774-9846

(855) 461-1129

How long does it take Accent Energy to start service?

In Texas, many homes have smart meters already installed. If your home is one of them, service can typically start either on the same day or the next business day. However, please note that if the meter cannot be activated remotely or if a permit is required by your city, service may be delayed.

Accent Energy Service Areas

You're in luck if you live in a deregulated area of Texas because Accent Energy can service your home and/or business.

Accent Energy provides service to the following utilities and service areas:

Accent Energy Customer Service

Need assistance? Reach out to Accent Energy's customer service team by calling (888) 995-0992. You can also send them an email to customersupport@IGS.com and they'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Accent Energy Bill Payment

If you need to pay your bill or refill your Accent Energy account, use one the following payment methods:

  • Pay Online: When visiting their website, enter your account numbers and street addresses to pay bills.
  • Pay by Phone: Call (888) 995-0992 to pay over the phone.
  • Pay by Mail: Before mailing a check, find the updated mailing address on Accent Energy's website.

Looking for a plan from a different provider?
See other energy plans below:

16.7¢ kWh

17.7¢ kWh

15.6¢ kWh

14.1¢ kWh

13.0¢ kWh

21.9¢ kWh

15.8¢ kWh

24 month

14.7¢ kWh

16.4¢ kWh

16.9¢ kWh

13.9¢ kWh

8.9¢ kWh

14.4¢ kWh

17.0¢ kWh

8.5¢ kWh

19.0¢ kWh

22.6¢ kWh

16.0¢ kWh

Please note: The rates above are updated periodically. Current energy rates may have changed since our last update. To get the latest energy rates in your area please go to our comparison page and enter your zip code. Energy rates shown above are for a residential monthly consumption of 1000 kWh in zip code 77043.

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Enrollment takes about 5 minutes and can save you $50+ on average every month

Shop for a low-cost energy plan by Texas zip code

Find low energy rates by comparing and shopping smarter. Click on your zip code below to find cheap electricity plans in your area:

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Meanwhile, why don’t you let your friends and family know that they can also save on their electric bills?
